MMAP Magazine Newsletter
The Michaelson Williams TSX Podcast
The Michaelson Effect, A Jason Dickens Story

The Michaelson Effect, A Jason Dickens Story

The Michaelson Effect Jason's Story Of Triumph On His Health & Fitness Journey with Mentor Michaelson Williams

Jason Dickens,

Throughout my adult life I considered myself to be physically fit. I worked out regularly (4 to 5 days a week) in a gym (weights and cardio), ran several times a week, and was an avid hiker. I had also spent 13 years in the Marines Corps, where I annually performed at a first class fitness level, and successfully completed various military training evolutions. Even though I was disciplined and successful, I understood my current path did not lead me to lifelong wellness. First I had yet to heal completely from a recent ACL knee reconstructive surgery, even though I had been medically released. My stamina, dexterity (balance), and flexibility were all sub optimal. And my workout recovery period and injury rehabilitations were frustratingly slow. By classic western medicine standards (BMI, heart rate, blood pressure etc.) however I was deemed in great health. Moreover, most professionals deemed my “minor” concerns as middle age issues. I knew better!!

My goals were to return my reconstructed knee to pre-surgery mobility, reach and maintain a fitness level equivalent of an athlete half my age, and develop a deeper understanding of holistic wellness (body, mind, and spirit). To achieve these goals my fitness approach had to change and change drastically. This is when Michaelson Williams entered into my life. Michaelson’s fitness philosophy simultaneously addressed all of my goals, and most importantly cultivated my mental edge. Significant improvement in physical agility, balance and stamina are the hallmarks of the benefits I’ve realized.

Executing a perfect lower plank for over 12 minutes during I’m Core Fit “plank challenge”, is one measure of how far I’ve advanced. Michaelson’s disciplined and dynamic training philosophy, which emphasizes core fitness, small and large muscle control, and mental development, has been a life changing experience that has impacted all aspects of my life. I have a much deeper understanding of my personal biomechanics. I’ve developed a capacity to design my own comprehensive training regime, including integration of regular rehabilitation, and injury rehabilitation. And most importantly I’ve learned to appreciate that fitness is truly 95% mental and 5% physical. Thank you Michaelson for your guidance and instruction over the last few years! Until the next Everest....

Jason E. Dickens, Ph.D

Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

The End

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Right now you have an all access pass to many articles especially written to enhance your thinking and behavior around your True Success journey. From this point you'll need to subscribe to this very low cost paid version of Michaelson’s newsletter and podcast. Upon subscribing you'll receive a download link where you can get Michaelson Williams book "Trainwashing, The Secrets Of Positive Brainwashing" for $1. This book will open your eyes to the negative programming preventing your True Success. Trainwashing sells for nearly $20 on Amazon, but you can download it right to your phone or computer right away for just $1! This is a special offer and won’t be around for long. CLICK SUBSCRIBE TO GET STARTED

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Crypto Courses

Do you need help understanding the in's and out's of building a solid crypto portfolio? For a limited time Michaelson's "Building Your Crypto Portfolio" course is yours for only $49, but you must act quickly. This course is a $798.00 value for just $49 per month. Michaelson will teach you crypto investment tips that will take away the fears that cause people to make BAD emotional investment decisions. Michaelson doesn't know how long he will offer "Building Your Crypto Portfolio" course at this price, so don't wait! To get these special benefits and more you must upgrade your subscription from free to paid right away!



"Goal Phoenix Build Your Crypto Portfolio includes 32 chapters containing 55 lessons. Most of the lessons are followed by a short quiz. This makes it easy to gauge your progress. The course is designed so that you can learn at your own pace using concise, easy-to-understand language. Taking the course feels like Michaelson is sitting across from you at lunch or coffee and just talking about cryptocurrency. His passion and caring come through loudly and clearly. His big brother attitude shines through along with his desire to help you be the most successful you possible."

Jonica Bradley, Writer and Entrepreneur


"I recommend this course to everyone who has an interest in learning about crypto and who is thinking about investing in cryptocurrency. For those who want to get ahead in crypto investing, I suggest checking out the "Building your crypto portfolio" course, to discover how fast you can grow your crypto portfolio."

Felix Osezua, Entrepreneur, and Crypto Enthusiast

With best regards on your True Success journey,

Michaelson Williams, TSX

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MMAP Magazine Newsletter
The Michaelson Williams TSX Podcast
The True Success Xpert Podcast hosted by author and entrepreneur Michaelson Williams is brought to you with meaningful conversations in mind. Michaelson interviews and is interviewed by the who's who of new age entrepreneurship. This podcast is always exciting and intriguing as the conversations cover a broad spectrum of topics. Sit back and enjoy as each week we take a new journey into the minds of the people who plan on mapping the future of everything.